The 69th Annual Meeting of the Heritage Family Credit Union will be held on Thursday, May 15, 2025
Location: Roots the Restaurant, 55 Washington St, Rutland, VT 05701
This notice serves as a save the date and more details will follow on this page as they are available. Capacity restrictions apply. Separate email invitations to follow.
Board of Director ELECTIONS
There are three positions up for election. The Nominating Committee has nominated the following individuals:
Joshua Chilson
Joshua has been a Heritage Family Credit Union Board Member since 2022 and was elected to serve in his current term until April 2025. He is currently the Manager of Contracts, Procurement and Inventory for Vermont Electric Power Company. A construction entrepreneur and past military achievement award recipient, Joshua also volunteers for Habitat for Humanity. He lives in Mount Holly, VT, with his wife Melissa, their daughter Clara, and two rescue dogs, Gracie and Jack. In his free time, Joshua enjoys carpentry, travelling, backpacking, and snowboarding.
Kevin Loso
Kevin was a Heritage Family Credit Union Board member from 1993 through 2008 and then again from 2009 to the present. He was elected to serve in his current term until April 2025. Kevin is the CEO of Rutland Housing Authority and Housing Initiatives Inc. His volunteer activities include the Rotary Club of Rutland City and the HAI Group Board of Directors. In 2021 he became "Directorship Certified" through the National Association of Corporate Directors. Kevin lives in Rutland Town, VT., with his wife, Debra, and they have five grown children and a grandson. In his free time, Kevin enjoys visiting national parks, monuments, and historic sites.
Nicole Kesselring
Nicole has been a Heritage Family Credit Union Board Member since 2018 and was elected to serve as Second Vice Chair until April 2025. A civil engineer specializing in land use development, she is a majority owner and Principal at Enman Kesselring Engineers in Rutland, VT. Nicole lives in Mendon, VT, with her partner, Jamie, and their yellow lab. In her free time, Nicole enjoys travelling, cycling, hiking, skiing, running, swimming, and being outdoors.
All members eligible to vote may make nominations for vacancies by petition signed by 500 members. Petitions must be received by the Nominating Committee no later than April 5, 2025, must include a statement of qualifications and biographical data with the petition, and must include a signed certificate with the nomination petition stating that they are agreeable to nomination and will serve if elected. Petitions and required addendums can be received at HFCU, Attn: Nicole Begin. There will be no elections by ballot and no nominations from the floor when the number of nominees equals the number of open positions.