It's tax time! To make sure you and your tax professional have the right HFCU account details to deposit your refund, we’ve tried to make it easy for you to find this information.

To locate your account information in eBranch using a desktop computer, select your account from the left menu and your details are displayed on the right side of your transaction history. When using a mobile device, your account details can be viewed when you select and expand “Details” above the transaction history of the selected account.

To have your refund deposited into your HFCU checking account, please use the “MICR/Direct Deposit” number. To deposit into your Share Savings, use your “Account” number. For all direct deposits, HFCU's routing number is 211691318.


Image of where to find Checking Account Number within eBranch Home Banking


Image of where to find Savings Account Number within eBranch Home Banking


Image of where to find account details on a mobile device within eBranch